
Left of the dial

Ok, I think many Rhapsody users I know agree that Rhapsody Radio stations kinda stink... or at least are lacking... I mean, they are Ok for that occasional usage as background noise at a party, especially holiday parties. But when you're really wanting to listen closely, they are just so boring and predictable. When I click on the Indie station, it is a near guarantee that I will hear Pavement, Guided by Voices, Belle and Sebastian, or Death Cab for Cutie within the first three songs. Not that I have much against any of those groups, but its just seems that the station should be called "Indie Music for Dummies." I'd love to see a station that strives to introduce me to the latest and greatest indie music which is still at some level of obsurity. (BTW, I think Death Cab will have to be removed from the Indie station now...) But, luckily, the Rhapsody community is coming to the rescue. Several websites similar to mine (but with much more frequent posts!) have popped up and are filling in the gaps left by Rhapsody Radio. So far, my favorite is Rhapsody Rock School, probably because the owner seems to like much of the same music I do. Plus, he posts several times a day usually. And, he works for Rhapsody so he is definitely the "man in the know" when it comes to new adds, etc. Wish I had his job. Another good one is Rhapsody Radish which has a ton of playlists stored... all kinds of themes. This guy must have an abundance of time on his hands as his level of knowledge about music is insane. A playlist of songs featuring cowbell? I'm in awe. His playlists should be very helpful in just about any situation. So, while Rhapsody Radio is better than the actual radio, these sites really bring the kind of life and vitality to "assisted music listening" that I love. Thanks folks!


Blogger Hunter said...

Dude, Rosolino is playing at the Gravity Lounge in C-ville on Dec. 15th, if you wanna come :)

- Hunter


9:35 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Wish I could get up there.

11:32 PM  

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