
If Brad Sucks, Then Exactly What Does William Do?

So I was perusing the web, checking out some blogs, when I came across this guy... Brad... who apparently thinks he sucks. Or at least, he thinks his one-man-band sucks. He basically recorded his album completely on his own and then started giving it away online. Eventually started building up a following and is now getting a little notice. I first listened to his disc at Magnatune's website, which is a record label like no other. They basically give the artists half of the revenue generated by CD sales. Plus, the consumer gets to set the price. How cool is that? As you can guess, they have a pretty eclectic mix of artists, all of whom are anti-music industry types. Anyway, imagine my surprise when I searched in Rhapsody for Brad Sucks and they actually had his album... This is getting ridiculous... Rhapsody rocks. Its actually an entertaining album. He's a witty lyricist and does lay down some funky, head-nodding beats. Kind of Beck-ish, pre and post Sea Change. I especially like the first song, "Making Me Nervous." Enjoy.

Brad Sucks - I Don't Know What I'm Doing


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