
You Take Nancy, For Me Loretta's Fine...

Well, I have to admit that I am not a huge White Stripes fan. I mean, I do have Elephant, but it just never hit heavy rotation for me. I think its probably because I appreciate a bit more melody than Mr. Jack tends to offer. But, I do agree that they are quite an influential band and do deserve most of the press they receive. So, how about a Loretta Lynn album produced (and heavily influenced) by Jack White? Its actually quite a combination. All the songs on the album are written by Loretta (apparently her first album completely written by her) and the mixture of her mature voice, seasoned lyrics, country melodies and Jack's rifs and production sense is very appealing. Has some real emotion rather than the sarcasm and/or anger usually conveyed by the White Stripes. I think this one will have a heavier rotation for me... Enjoy!

Loretta Lynn - Van Lear Rose


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