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Whew, what a month. First, the unexpected surgery to remove my gall bladder a few weeks ago. Then, last weekend, the move to our new house. Well, new old house. Just a little more excitement than I prefer. Thus, the lack of blogging. I have been listening to some great stuff though. When you're flat on your back, drugged up on Percocet, music is your best friend. I have completely fallen in love with this album. I'll go ahead and mention Coldplay since a mention of this album wouldn't be complete without it. But, I'll also say that there is something else here. Something extremely beautiful about all 12 songs. Something that makes you hit the repeat button to listen to the album over and over again. There are no real dead spots on this one... and somehow they make a statement in the midst of a sea of Coldplay-like britpoppers. As a matter of fact, I think this is an overall better album than any of Coldplay's. I'd give it my nod for best album of the year so far...

Keane - Hopes and Fears cover


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