
Better on Rhapsody, But Still Just Not Into It ...Yet

Lemon Jelly - '64-'95 Ok, why do artists put crappy quality versions of their music online? I just don't see the point. Music recorded at crappy low-bit rates sounds just that... crappy. Doesn't matter how good the songs are, hearing them through what sounds like an AM radio will always destroy them. I know they are just trying to keep away the music pirates and preserve bandwidth as well, but come on... Case in point, this new Lemon Jelly album. Just the other day I posted a link to an early-listening stream of this CD ... which was a crappy quality stream... and I did not like the album at all. If I didn't have Rhapsody, I'd probably never given the disc another listen. Luckily, I do have Rhapsody so I was able to give it a proper listen and while I am enjoying it MUCH more than the stream, I'm just not feeling it yet. Just seems too detached, too cold... but I'm going to give it a few more listens just to see. I do still really like the last track... which brings up an oopsie in Rhapsody. They have the track order wrong. The track they have in the #1 position is actually the last track of the disc and I believe on the print copy it is a hidden track, but haven't confirmed that yet. So, rather than just posting a link to the album, I've posted a playlist with the tracks in the correct order so you can experience the awesomely strong finish of this disc. Enjoy!


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