
Woohoo, I'm Goin' Bigtime!

No, just kidding. No bigtime for me. I just finally got around to forking out the 8 or so bucks for a domain name. I've been meaning to do this for a while, but am just now doing it because I am starting to play around with some other blogging tools/hosts, etc. and don't want to have to keep telling people new URLs if I make changes. So... drumroll please... from now on, please go to: http://www.worthymusic.net Exciting, don't you think? Yeah, me either. For now, I am going to stay on Blogger, but I am looking at some other possibilities like Typepad, WordPress, Movable Type, Textpattern, etc. but all of those cost some level above free, whether it be for the software itself or, in most cases, the web space to host it. So, I am testing out a bunch of stuff to see what I like. I think the biggest reason for me wanting to make the switch besides my curiousity is post categories... something so simple, but just apparently not something Blogger will be adding any time soon. Also, I like some things like the TypeLists in TypePad, etc. We'll see. One added feature of actually paying for it would be that I could hold someone accountable when things don't work. I've been having a lot of problems with Blogger lately but since it's a free service I get what I get... sigh... Chris


Blogger Amanda said...

Did you see that there is a new version of Blogger rolling out at the beginning of May? I think they've been doing a lot of prep work behind the scenes...not that service hasn't been crappy, because it has (especially w/ Firefox) but it might be worth seeing what features they are planning to add.

BTW, the other morning I got a Glen P show from etree that was right in my backyard (Messiah College) from '03. Can't wait to listen.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

I haven't seen anything about an upcoming Blogger update. Where'd you
see that? I did a few minutes of checking around and can't find
anything on it...

11:40 PM  

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