
And that's a fact...

So, I'm not usually into rock/pop instrumental music. Perhaps the occasional instrumental or two thrown in but certainly not an entire rock album without words. Especially if it is best described as bad metal guitars over cheesy drum beats (including fake handclaps). But, against all of my better judgement I recently gave this album a listen and am now thoroughly addicted. Even went out and bought the CD so I could rock out in my MINI this summer. Its hard to say, really, exactly why this music is so infectuous but it truly is. If your head doesn't start moving up and down during the opener, then I think you've lost your groove, baby. Musically speaking, the songs are very interesting... they are more like journeys rather than standard verse, chorus, verse, etc in structure. And the electric guitars are fascinatingly orchestrated... Give it a listen. Enjoy!

Ratatat - Ratatat


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