
Introduction to My Madness

Ok, you knew it was coming... What else could I possibly have been doing for the past twelve days? (Well, that and some Christmas shopping. And a nice trip to DC to celebrate my 5th anniversay with my wonderful wife and take in a Peter Cincotti show at the Kennedy Center.) Over the next few days I am going to be posting my top 30 favorite albums of 2004. As I am just one person and no one has started sending me their discs for free (yet... yeah right), it is certainly not going to be an all inclusive list. Just the ones that I have taken to this year. The top of the list is pretty well sorted out, but once I got closer and closer to 30 it became increasingly difficult to put one above the other... so take those ratings with a grain of salt. I haven't completely decided how I am going to do this... one post per album? or several albums per post? I think I'll do one post per, with several posts per day. I am going to include links to either the album in Rhapsody or to a site where you can purchase the CD and listen to samples... which will usually be Amazon unless they don't carry that album. Please feel free to comment just so long as you keep in mind that this is simply my opinion. :) Enjoy!


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